Applying for the IFP

What You and Your Child Need to Know

Applying for University can be a confusing and stressful time for your child. Luckily, the IFP office is here to help you and your child make sense of the process!

Consider Programs and Back-Up Programs!

When your child applies to the University of Toronto, it is important that they carefully consider which programs they would like to apply to. Your child may choose up to three programs (in different faculties) to apply to at the University. Even if your child is interested in a specific program, we strongly advise that your child use all three program choices when applying. For example, if your child is applying to the Faculty of Engineering, they may also want to apply for Physical and Mathematical Sciences in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences as a back-up.

Similarly, programs such as Rotman Commerce or Computer Science are extremely competitive and accept a limited number of students each year. As an alternate, your child may wish to explore programs in Physical and Mathematical Sciences or Social Sciences.

It is important to keep in mind that students take many different paths to different careers. Your child should apply to the programs they are passionate about as that will help them achieve greater success at the University.

How to Apply

Your child will apply to the IFP through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC). On OUAC, your child will provide some basic personal information, academic history, and they will choose which program(s) they wish to apply for.

Important note: If your child wishes to be considered for both direct admission and the IFP, they must apply to both on OUAC!

Once they have submitted their application, they will gain access to the JOIN U of T portal. There, your child will see the list of documents they are required to submit, as well as instructions on how to submit them. It is very important that your child follow these instructions to ensure that their documents are received correctly and on time!

As your child starts the application process, we recommend referring them to this helpful guide to applying for the IFP.

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Apply Early

The University publishes application and document deadlines for their various programs (including the International Foundation Program) here. We strongly recommend that your child apply as early as possible ahead of these deadlines. Submitting an application early ensures that your child will have plenty of time to submit their required documents without fear of missing the deadline. Similarly, spaces in competitive programs could fill up early in the admissions process. The earlier your child’s application is complete, the earlier their application will be considered.

Pay Attention to Deadlines

It is extremely important that your child pay close attention to application and document deadlines set by the University. There is no guarantee that applications and documents received after the University deadlines will be considered. Documents must be received by the University by the document deadline. It is very important that your child sends their documents in early to ensure they are received on time.

Check email and JOIN U of T frequently

Once your child has applied, the University and the IFP Office will send important information by email throughout the application process. It is very important that your child check their email frequently and read emails carefully. They should also check their JOIN U of T portal weekly for any updates to their account. Admission decisions are released between late-January and late May.

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