The University of Toronto’s International Programs Office, including its virtual programming such as the Online Learning courses and the Virtual International Summer Academy (Virtual ISA), follow all Canadian laws and policies. Students participating in the program will be responsible for doing so as well.

All students are expected to adhere to the University of Toronto Code of Conduct. A shortened version is available below. For the full Code of Conduct, please see HERE.

Participants are expected to help create a positive, safe, and inclusive place at the University of Toronto’s International Programs. The University’s expectation is that all participants will read and familiarize themselves with the following set of expectations in advance of participating in the Online Learning courses and Virtual ISA and the expectations will also be reviewed at the start of each module.


While attending the Online Learning courses and/or the Virtual ISA, participant behaviour expectations include, but are not limited to:

  • Complying with applicable University of Toronto policies and procedures and reasonable direction and instruction from the International Programs staff;
  • Treating everyone with respect, including differences in opinion;
  • Seeking help from the International Programs staff to resolve problems proactively and cooperatively;
  • Being punctual
  • Attending and participating fully in all Online Learning and/or Virtual ISA activities; and
  • Notifying the International Programs staff in case of illness.


The following actions and behaviours, regardless of whether engaged in online or in-person learning, are clearly inconsistent with the University’s expectations for participation in this community and are prohibited:

  • Bullying other participants or International Programs staff whether it is in person or through technology like cell phones, social media, or email;
  • Engaging in activity that compromises the physical or emotional safety of themselves or others;
  • Using any object to threaten people or make people feel uncomfortable or unsafe;
  • Being under the influence of drugs, or alcohol during participation at the Online Learning courses or the Virtual ISA;
  • Saying or doing things that hurt other people or might make people feel uncomfortable;
  • Damaging University of Toronto property or systems intentionally;


Participants are expected to familiarize themselves with the University’s  Appropriate Use of Information Communication Technology Policy and to act in accordance with its terms, including avoiding all “inappropriate uses” described therein.


For further clarity, Online Learning and Virtual ISA students should be mindful of the following principles and expectations:

  • The classroom, whether physical or virtual, is intended to be a safe and secure environment for learning.
  • Pay careful attention to your instructors’ rules and guidance regarding the sharing of class learning materials, permitted forms of collaboration, and other behaviours related to remote learning.
  • Participants are responsible for maintaining the privacy of their class and its participants.
  • Some portions of the online program such as lectures may be recorded to provide a learning resource for student use. Participants may not download or share these recordings with anyone, for any reason, without the explicit consent of the instructor.
  • The intentional sharing of learning materials or private information with external groups or individuals, without the written permission of the lecturer or instructor is not permitted and may lead to termination of participation in the International Programs and in future years.
  • The deliberate sharing of private information, private images, communications, learning materials or other depictions of other participants or your instructors for the purpose of inviting external commentary, ridicule, or embarrassment, is not permitted and may lead to termination of participation in the International Programs and in future years.
  • Ultimately, our classrooms are communities built on trust and our learning and teaching relies upon a shared sense of respect, integrity, and common purpose.

University information technology resources exist to support the educational mission at the University of Toronto. Participants using the University’s technology and technology-related resources must act ethically. Students are expected to take special care to protect the privacy of this community from unintentional harms as well as external interference.  Moreover, as a general rule, University faculty (or, under certain circumstances, the University itself) retain intellectual property rights in any learning materials (e.g., videos, exams, problem sets, case studies, etc.) shared with or made available to the Online Learning course and/or Virtual ISA participants.  Accordingly, Online Learning course or Virtual ISA participants should not distribute any such learning materials outside the program, whether such distribution occurs online, electronically, or otherwise, without first obtaining the instructor’s written permission.

The International Programs staff will intervene and assist if participant behaviour is problematic. Usually, one-on-one or small-group conversations are effective in resolving problems. Staff are instructed to inform one of our leadership team members of inappropriate participant behaviour. Sometimes, our International Programs leadership team may contact parents/guardians when participant behaviour is especially concerning and when the participant is a minor. Staff may remove participant privileges, and, if necessary, in the sole discretion of the University, expel a participant, if a participant does not behave appropriately at the Online Learning courses or the Virtual ISA.


I, the program participant, or the parent/guardian of the program participant (“Participant”), hereby confirm that the participant and I have read, understood and that the participant will abide by the Expectations of Behaviour as outlined above. The participant and I also understand that any non-compliance with the foregoing, and/or reasonable direction of the International Programs staff may result in the participant’s immediate expulsion from the Online Learning courses and/or the Virtual ISA and under certain circumstances Campus Police and/or the Toronto Police Service may be notified.


Any costs incurred as a result of the participant’s expulsion from the International Programs will be solely my responsibility and no refund of program or registration fees will be provided.