The International English Program offers a variety of Morning and Afternoon Courses that are designed to meet the educational goals of students of all English abilities, from beginner to university level. Although it is not required, students are encouraged to take both a Morning Course and an Afternoon Course to maximize their learning experience.

Please note that not all courses are offered every year. Please refer to the “Next Availability” column of the table above.
Age: 18+
Course Length: 3 Weeks
Schedule: 9:00AM to 12:00PM, Monday to Friday
Classes: 15 Hours / Week
Minimum Level Required: All Levels
The General English Course (GEC) offers daily classes led by fully-accredited English language teachers that develop all aspects of students’ English language abilities, including: speaking, listening, writing, reading, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The aim of the course is to help students improve their confidence, fluency, and accuracy through a variety of communicative activities, such as collaborative projects, discussions, and presentations. Students are encouraged throughout the course to share their own knowledge and experience in the classroom.
General English classes focus on learning grammar and vocabulary by communicating with others. Students wishing additional practice with general conversation and pronunciation have the option of taking an afternoon speaking class.
GEC is a good fit for you if:
- You are looking to develop all aspects of your English abilities: speaking, listening, writing, reading, and vocabulary
- You are looking to improve their confidence, fluency, and grammatical accuracy
- You are travelling need a leisurely approach to situation-based English
- You have been studying English in your own country and can use opportunity to practice with other speakers of English
Note: GEC is designed for students of all levels, from beginner to advanced. However, it is not recommended for complete beginners.
Evaluation and Certificate
At the end of the General English Course (GEC), students receive a personalized evaluation and those who succeed are rewarded a certificate of course completion from University of Toronto, New College.
In order to receive a program certificate, students must:
- Actively participate in class activities and discussions.
- Show improved fluency and accuracy over the course of the program.
- Complete their final project, as well as any assigned homework, to the satisfaction of the teacher.
Class Placement
All IEP classes are assigned based on the results of our written test and a one-to-one interview with a teacher. Students should understand that there is no pre-determined cutoff for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels: students will be grouped with others of similar experience, based on the abilities they show on the test.
Age: 18+
Course Length: 3 Weeks
Schedule: 9:00AM to 12:00PM, Monday to Friday
Classes: 15 Hours / Week
Minimum Level Required: Intermediate
The Academic English Course (AEC) is designed for students who wish to develop essential skills for success at a university where English is used as the language of instruction. Course content, sourced primarily from the social sciences, is used to practice transferable skills that apply to multiple undergraduate programs. The curriculum focuses on using academic language through critical reading, lecture content, seminar participation, and research skills to become better-prepared for university study in English. Each week, you will work on specialized academic tasks and a collaborative project as part of your independent study.
AEC is a good fit for you if:
- You are a current university student or you plan to pursue post-secondary education
- You want to improve your language and develop academic skills for success in university courses
- You have some experience with critical reading, seminar participation, note-taking, research, and academic writing in any language
- You enjoy a challenging study environment
Evaluation and Certificate
At the end of the Academic English Course (AEC), students receive a personalized evaluation and those who succeed are rewarded a certificate of course completion from University of Toronto, New College.
In order to receive a program certificate, students must:
- Actively participate in class activities.
- Show improved fluency over the course of the program.
- Complete the final project, along with any assigned homework, to the satisfaction of the teacher
Class Placement
All IEP classes are assigned based on the results of our written test and a one-to-one interview with a teacher. Students will be grouped with others of similar experience, based on the abilities they show on the test.
Age: 18+
Course Length: 3 Weeks
Schedule: 9:00 AM to 12:00PM, Monday to Friday
Classes: 15 Hours / Week
Minimum Level Required: Intermediate
Business Experience: Not Required
The Leadership & Management Course (LMC) is designed for people who wish to become more comfortable using English in project management and team leadership environments. This course provides effective practices to communicate with employees and colleagues and use decision-making strategies in professional contexts. The course begins with an exploration of core leadership theories and examines key concepts such as motivation, team dynamics, and conflict resolution. In addition, the course covers essential management skills, including goal setting, organizational behaviour, and performance reviews. In combination with language practice, students will learn how to allocate resources and evaluate outcomes to reach team goals. Emphasis is placed on developing critical thinking and decision-making skills, enabling students to address complex challenges and make informed choices.
LMC is a good fit for you if:
- You are a business student, or you have recently entered the working world
- You plan to work in team environments where your leadership quality is important
- You wish to practice managerial skills in English
Evaluation and Certificate
At the end of the Leadership & Management Course (LMC), students receive a personalized evaluation and those who succeed are rewarded a certificate of course completion from University of Toronto, New College.
In order to receive a program certificate, students must:
- Actively participate in class activities.
- Show improved fluency over the course of the program.
- Complete the final project, along with any assigned homework, to the satisfaction of the teacher
Class Placement
All IEP classes are assigned based on the results of our written test and a one-to-one interview with a teacher. Students will be grouped with others of similar experience, based on the abilities they show on the test.
Age: 18+
Course Length: 3 Weeks
Schedule: 1:00PM to 4:00PM, Monday to Friday
Classes: 15 Hours / Week
Minimum Level Required: Intermediate
Being a modern citizen involves valuing the differences and recognizing the similarities between diverse groups of people. The Culture & Community Course (CCC) is designed to engage international students with opportunities to improve their core language proficiency while exploring approaches to intercultural communication and developing projects that involve a community-centred approach to learning. Students will explore cultural content locally from Toronto, regionally from Canada, and globally from student cultures and beyond to better understand how context impacts communication. This course requires students to be active learners and work collaboratively on a project that can positively impact a local community area within the city through class instruction that focuses on exploring communication strategies, raising cultural awareness, and identifying potential challenges.
CCC is a good fit for you if:
- You would like to improve your ability to communicate in English
- You have an interest in learning about Toronto and Canada cultural contexts
- You have an interest in spending more time in Canada in the future
Evaluation and Certificate
At the end of the Culture & Community Course (CCC), students receive a personalized evaluation and those who succeed are rewarded a certificate of course completion from University of Toronto, New College.
In order to receive a program certificate, students must:
- Actively participate in class activities.
- Show improved fluency over the course of the program.
- Complete the final project, along with any assigned homework, to the satisfaction of the teacher
Class Placement
All IEP classes are assigned based on the results of our written test and a one-to-one interview with a teacher. Students will be grouped with others of similar experience, based on the abilities they show on the test.
Age: 18+
Course Length: 3 Weeks
Schedule: 1:00PM to 4:00PM, Monday to Friday
Classes: 15 Hours / Week
Minimum Level Required: Intermediate
Business Experience: Not Required
The world is fueled by business and entrepreneurship – both locally and internationally. Through case studies, interactive activities, and teamwork with students from all over the world, participants will learn skills essential to business, such as problem-solving, leadership, and communication. Each week, you will work on specialized professional tasks and a collaborative project as part of your independent study. Our classes provide opportunity for you to actively practice new language skills and integrate course content by engaging with your instructor and other participants. Students will complete a group project that involves critique of a commercial case study for success and weakness.
PGC is a good fit for you if:
- You are a business student and are interested in a commerce-related career that requires English or you have recently entered the working world in a commercial environment
- You wish to further your understanding of project management
- You want practice communicating in professional situations
Evaluation and Certificate
At the end of the Perspectives on Global Commerce Course (PGC), students receive a personalized evaluation and those who succeed are rewarded a certificate of course completion from University of Toronto, New College.
In order to receive a program certificate, students must:
- Actively participate in class activities.
- Show improved fluency over the course of the program.
- Complete the final project, along with any assigned homework, to the satisfaction of the teacher
Class Placement
All IEP classes are assigned based on the results of our written test and a one-to-one interview with a teacher. Students will be grouped with others of similar experience, based on the abilities they show on the test.